.Net is a frame work it is a software in this we are execute 64+ languages like C#.net,vb.net,Asp.net etc.Now a days every company develop projects through ms.net.So,The top MNC companies concentrate only on ms.net and in the interview purpose asking more on ms.net.so we definitely know the ms.net so we are placed what are the frequently asked questions and impressed answers.Friends don't blindly follow the answers for questions first know the topic after that you are ready/prepare your answers for the questions and perform that answers in every interview.First i tension i understand the topic but i can't perform interview what i prepare, i think one day why i lose my interview i know the all answers on that day i findout the reason because i am not saying my answer in my proper understand manner.After that i am not repeated that mistake now i get the good job.So friends so many also having these problem so you want full description about any topic you are seen previous articles and you want questions follow this article.All the best for your Interview.
.NET Interview Questions
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1.What is .NET Framework?
Ans: * .NET frame work is an important integral component in .net software.*.Net framework is a runtime environment,which we can use to run .net applications.
*****Technical C#.net Questions*****
2.What is visual studio.net?
Ans: Visual studio .Net is a Microsoft integrated development environment(IDE) that can be used for developing Console Applications,Web Applications,Windows Service,Web Service...And so on....
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3.What is CLR?
Ans: CLR stands for Common Language Runtime,It is .net execution. CLR is common execution engine for all .NET languages that means every .NET language application it has to execute with the help of CLR.
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4.Explain .NET application execution process?
Ans:.Net execution process can be divided into two steps
Step1:Converting Highlevel language code into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)with the help of language compilers because .Net execution engine (CLR) can understand only MSIL code.
Step2;JIT(Just-In-Time)compiler will convert MSIL code to NATIVE code because operating system can understand only NATIVE code or machine code.
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5.What is JIT compiler?
Ans:Jit compiler will convert MSIL code to native code because operating system can understand only native code.
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6.What is CLS?
Ans:CLS(Common Language Specification)is a set of common language standard defined by microsoft for all .Net languages. Every .Net language has to follow CLS standards. Whenever a programming language wants to recognize as .net language then it has to follow CLS.
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7.What is MSIL code?
Ans:MSIL is one of the core component of the .Net framework. Any .Net source codes written in any .Net supportive language(C#,VB.net etc),When compiled are converted to MSIL. This MSIL, When installed or at the Runtime, gets converted to machine code. The Runtime conversion of MSIL code to the machine code is handled by a component called as the Just In Time compiler.
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8.Explain the role of garbage collector?
Ans:In .Net, Memory management is handled by Garbage Collector. GC is an integral part of CLR.
To perform memory management GC will do 2 duties.
1.Allocating the Memory
When new object is created by application garbage collector will allocate memory for that object with in managed heap.
2.De-Allocating the Memory
When an object is not using by the application garbage collector will recognize it as unused object..and garbage collector will destroy unused objects according to generation algorithm.
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9.What is Managed Code?
Ans: The code which is taking the help of CLR for execution is called as Managed Code.
Ex:-All .Net languages code is managed code.
VB.net code, C#.net code...
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10.What is Unmanaged Code?
Ans: The code which is not taking the help of CLR for execution is called as Unmanaged code.
Ex:- In .net application non .net code is unmanaged code
VB code,VC++ code...
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