Hi Friends today i would like write a article based on Love.I listen Many Love Stories all are cute and awesome stories.50% Lovers are having more Understanding remaining 50% don't have the best understandability and patience that's why love failures are done.I am not definitely say love failures came not only for misunderstandings also done because of family problems like girl don't trouble her family that why she leave her boyfriends,this problems not only came for girls but also came for boys they also respect parents.Anyways we want say we have many Reasons for listening purpose it common to all but pain is not common depending loved person they came.Some one feels i love her last 6 years and 8 years that's why i cant forget her but truelly i am says love not depending on years its depending on our heart 1 day or 1 minute or 1 sec take time to love her/him a lot.Someones place the more place in one second in her/him heart and for removing him/her take life time that type of love also there so don't say i love many years.
Love Failure Quotes and Gain Energy for Living
Anyone gives more importance in his life for parents after gives priority for money and also for life partner.Parents gives her/him life to live and money is important for living purpose and life partner is more important for living happily in life long time.We are not happy anything missing in these all are important in your life some ones things why you are giving more priority for money it have we are living but truthly i say we don't have money we are not taking more respect from society that's why i give little priority so don't feel yar. You are why is the topic what she says come to that point we are giving lot of priority for money for these way i how much priority we are giving for our life partner more and more like infinity.Many persons feel my life partner have this specialities and she treat me like this and that like so more members prefer love marriages they feel,in arrange marriages don't have more understand that's why we are seen many love stories in our society but sometimes that decision gives more pain for our when love failure cames.
Her Lat Words..!Don't call me
don't text me
don't irritate me
be happy
& Move on
.But,i still believe that she'll come back to me!!
&My love
for her increasing day by day.

When Nails grow Long,we cut nails,not fingers.similarly,when misunderstanding grow up
,cut your ego not your relationship

We may love
the wrong person,cry for wrong person
.But one thing is sure,mistakes help us find the right person.

Never Explains yourself to anyone.Because the person who likes you doesn't need it.And the person who dislikes you won't believe it.
In life,there are only two things to worry about,either you are well,or you are sick.If youy are well,there is nothing to worry about,but if you are sick,you have two things to worry about;either you will live,or you will die.if you live,there is nothing to worry about,if you die,you have two things to worry about,but if you go to hell,you'll be so busy shaking hands with your friends,you won;t have time to worry!.
Don't Love the person who enjoys with you..!Love the person who really suffers without you..!!Because the pain of real love can never be defined......
Never balme anyone in your life.Good People give you happiness.Bad people Give You Experience.Worst People give you a lesson&best people give memories.
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